Monday, 24 August 2015

Feng Shu-what...?!

It’s Ma-ma-ma-ma-Monday! Hello!

Last week I made an allusion to energetic clutter in what crowds our media these days, and that got me thinking. “Clutter…!”

A few months ago I discovered an awesome book called “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui” by Karen Kingston. I want to share a bit about her teachings here today, but first, lets check your foundations!

While Feng Shui is a reasonably commonly used term these days, I still wanted to check you’re familiar with what it actually is. So here is a dandy definition for you (from Google)! J

(in Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi), and whose favourable or unfavourable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.

So basically, if you strategically design the layout and positions of objects in your home,  according to the rules of Feng Shui, the energy in the space flows better. And as the energy in your home represents the energy in you, good, clear, free flowing energy in your home means the same for your body/mind/soul! Sounds good, eh?!

Below is a diagram of the basic bagua (each cell). This grid is roughly how Feng Shui works. This grid can be applied to your whole property, to the home structure itself, and to each individual room. It is possible that the more cluttered some corners/bagua of your home are, the more likely that area of your life is cluttered too.

Karen's basic bagua grid is ever so slightly different to the one pictured above, but it is 90% the same too!

Reading Karen’s book was fascinating for me.  On commencing the book, I’d considered my home to be reasonably tidy (though potential guests always had to call ahead to enable me to get the living areas ready for public presentation!). But as I read the book, I started to get itchy fingers, because I suddenly understood there were some things in my home that really didn’t energetically belong here anymore. It’s hard to explain the feeling, but it was very clear in how it affected me.

So I took 2 carloads of old clothes to a donation bin, gave away an old bed, sold a cupboard, and rearranged some stuff. Interestingly enough, once I was clear about what I really wanted (getting these things out of my house), it was the easiest and most satisfying cleaning I have ever done. I honestly enjoyed it. And the way my home felt afterwards was incredible!

Imagine walking into a dark, dank building that just has this oppressive energy. Now imagine walking into a bright, well ventilated, airy space – the sort of place that just uplifts your energy by standing in it.
That is roughly how drastically the energy in my home changed after this round of cleaning. My home had never been oppressive in feeling, but it just felt so brilliant afterwards that I wanted to sing and dance around my home (and did I ever!).

Amusingly, I did this big clean up a couple of months ago. Sitting here, writing this blog post, and imagining how great I felt tidying each bagua of my home – I’m suddenly wanting to do another round! It felt THAT good! And so much has changed for me and my life since that last clean out, perhaps the time is right?!

I do have one CAUTION for this recommended reading though. As you read the book and get more and more motivated, you may end up cleaning into the night. I know of a few people who have read this book (yes, including me) and then gone hard-core (in delight, of course), in cleaning their homes, until the wee hours of the morning...

I’m a big advocate for plenty of rest – so make sure you don’t clean ALL NIGHT! J

Have you ever tried looked into Feng Shui? Karen Kingston’s ‘Clear Your Clutter’ is a brilliant first step into a fascinating art, and its fun, easy reading.  If you are at all interested, I totally recommend finding yourself a copy to read. And she doesn’t just talk about clutter in terms of dust collecting objects in your house, but you’ll have to read her book to find out the rest!

And with that, I wish you a delightful, joyful week, full of love and laughter.

In love and light, be peaceful


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